For centuries, great theologians have pointed to the beauty of the created world as the first sign of the goodness of God. Simple things like sunrises and sunsets, the beauty of colored of leaves in the fall and the intoxicating scents of spring often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Maureen Conroy, co-founder and spiritual director of The Upper Room Spiritual Center ( <> ) advises us to become absorbed in creation as a way of training our soul in God’s goodness and love. She advocates taking a walk outside paying specific attention to the sights, sounds and colors of nature.

Consider taking an hour this week to go to the Nature Preserve or another outdoor park simply to delight in the goodness of God. Take along a sketchpad or something to write on so that you can jot down what you see. Imagine that your task is to describe for the blind man in Mark 8 the beauty of God’s creation. Note the colors around you, the different types of vegetation and even the sounds and smells you experience.

If you are able to practice this exercise, reply to this post with what you did and how you felt about it. What, if anything, did you learn about the goodness of God through the exercise? What stood out to you as you paid closer attention to the created world around you?